Friday, June 18, 2004

IMF Archive Manager 2.0 Beta

I've been working on IMFAM during my spare time to address the feedback I've been getting. I believe the Beta is now ready, but as fate would have it, GotDotNet appears to be having problems.

So for now you will just have to salivate over what is going to be in it as opposed to trying it out:

Delete Key mapped to Delete Button for those that are mouse imparied (like myself).

Several rendering bug fixes for particular (corrupt?!?) messages.

Automatic Refresh time exposed in the xml configuration file. In addition, Automatic refresh no longer reloads the message pane, so if you are editing a message, you won't loose your changes.

NEW VIEW! I've added the ability to switch from the original tree view to a new list view. The new list view allows column reordering, column sorting, and multiselect. Multiselect actions are limited to delete at this point.

Better loading experience. For both the old view and the new view I added a Application.DoEvents() in the loop that populates the views. This will allow you to start working without waiting for everything to reload. One additional feature for the ListView is the entire list is not reset during automatic refresh, just new items are added.


At 10:43 PM, June 25, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

list view rocks!
It doesn't seem like it is possible to resize the left pane (tree/list views) would really be nice to see more of the columns in list view instead of the message header/content pane. In that regard, would it be possible to add a font size preference for the content pane? With all the darn header info and html in that pane it is hard to visually see any of the content. I think I might be able to get a better gist of a mail if the font was tiny...
Anybody think it would be good to have an option besides delete? How about a copy to compressed (zip?) file instead?
Thanks again for this wonderful tool!

At 5:13 AM, August 26, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The tool looks ok, only I can't use it because my UceArchive directory contains 40.000 eml-files and is still growing. When I start IMF Archive Manager it spends approx. 5 minutes updating the eml-file-list, then I have 10 seconds to work with the tool and the IMFAM automatically starts a new 5 minute refresh cycle.

Could the next version of this nice tool include a "Automatic refresh file-list"-setting, that I could turn off ? Or a "Refresh file-list now"-button ?

Best regards

At 5:18 AM, August 26, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

UPS, sorry - I just noticed that I can adjust refresh frequency in the xml-file. Still it would be nice with a "Refresh now"-button.

Best regards

At 6:53 AM, January 12, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where can we download it? Gotdotnet doesn't seem to work.


At 8:49 AM, January 24, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

GotDot is still having problems.....have you posted this link on another site???? I would really like to have this Manager!!


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