Well it's been quite some time since I posted here. The E12 train is steaming forward and quite a bit of my time has been consumed making sure my little part of the train stays on the track.
First things first... SPAM... ON MY BLOG!!?!?!?! I haven't had time to check it out, but I have been getting notified when the spam comments have been posted. I was going to come here to turn comments off for now, but it looks like there is a new feature to prevent bots from posting. While it may be a pain for ordinary users, it should help reduce my work load in terms of having to delete the noise.
Now what have I been up to?

On the personal front I had a great summer. I started my season with the
Dash and
Chilly Hilly (normal fair). I followed up that with my "
Epic" ride up Raineer. But then in June I stepped it up and completed my
first Marathon with a time of 4:13:31. With a Marathon in my pocket, I decided it was time to take the
STP to a new level and completed it in one day. Then with a double century completed all I needed to complete my summer trifecta was the
Federal Escape Olympic Triathlon (see picture). Then to wrap up the seaon I ran the
Super Jock n Jill and gave
Escape from Rock a try. Now I just need to figure out how to one up all of this next year! :)
On the work side of life.... well I can't officially comment but feel free to browse the following links:
http://www.msexchange.org/tutorials/Overview-E12-Features.htmlhttp://blogs.technet.com/exchange/archive/2005/09/15/410941.aspxhttp://www.microsoft-watch.com/article2/0,1995,1752696,00.asp?kc=MWRSS02129TX1K0000535Well, back to the trenches...
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